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Business Continuity, Security, and TeamMacro

Collaboration for resilience

· Louisa Schneller,Risk Management,Security Management,Business Continuity,TeamMacro TERSM

“Resilience” is a buzz word that gets thrown around a lot these days in security, but with good reason. Resilience is “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change,” and it is understandable that this ability is of great concern to those charged with the protection and continuity of an organization

The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated how precarious the life of an organization can be if it is not prepared or agile enough to address quickly evolving threats and challenges. The pandemic has caused massive supply chain interruptions, disruption to staffing, even social and political unrest. These are all challenges that can impact the long-term survival of an organization. The catastrophic impact on the retail industry is but one, sobering, example.

While security management and business continuity management are still usually separate entities within an organization, it is undeniable that now, more than ever, their goals overlap. To ensure the longevity, and yes, the resilience of an organization, its assets and processes need to be tracked, protected, and maintained effectively. Most critically of all, the people in charge of this need to be able to communicate and collaborate easily and effectively. Without this, the organization cannot move as quickly as it may need to when facing the kind of complex threats we have seen over the last 12 months.

With this in mind, TeamMacro has built our new business continuity module that integrates with our core incident management system (TeamMacro TERSM). Our tool allows you to track your continuity processes and dependencies etc., helping you to predict risks and mitigate them before they become insurmountable. The powerful alert system available in the core incident management system, TERSM, allows your team to collaborate in real time, in one place, wherever they are in your organization and indeed, wherever they are in the world. By working together, and with TeamMacro’s tools, you can make resilience more than just a word.

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Louisa Schneller.