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From Israel to Iceland

And back again

· Remote Working,Richard Schneller,Israel,Iceland,TeamMacro

Every technology company should have a "secret sauce" so that it can differentiate itself from everyone else. In our case it is the framework that underlies our software. This allows us to rapidly customize our products quickly, and at reasonable cost, to match them to our customer's needs. We estimate a four to ten times productivity improvement when compared to traditional software development methods. Combine that with strong project management in remote working environments and we think we have a winning formula. Due to the pandemic, most organizations have, through necessity, moved to online and remote working, so imposing a more rapid digital transformation imperative. Therefore, in 2021, it has become even more important to be able to respond to customer's change requirements with agility, accuracy and at reasonable cost. We have a solid framework to do that.

Today we look back to 2015 when the developers of this underlying framework, an Israeli based company, announced that they were selling out. Concerned for our future, we quickly took the next flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, to find out the real story and to secure our future relationship. Suffice to say that in the end, this was successful, and we have been stable again ever since.

However, to achieve this, there were many trips to Tel Aviv. We checked-in to a hotel near the Tel Aviv beach and promptly set up "office" in a café on the beach itself. A great spot to conduct business meetings in Summertime. Few people would refuse the opportunity for a relaxing few hours with us there. I think overall we did about six trips that Summer, flying from Prague to Tel Aviv and back. For any of you who have done Tel Aviv inbound, you would know at both ends, security is very tight, probably exceeding any other country. Every trip was serious stuff, but it felt more like a long Summer holiday.

After a few months, our business was concluded but the one remaining issue was support. Surprisingly, support was done from, of all places, Iceland! So off to Reykjavik we go. I am so happy I had the opportunity to see this strange country on the top of the world. I experienced the land of the midnight sun, the Northern Lights, and its volcanoes and hot spring galore. Icelanders are highly educated with a population that mostly speaks English fluently, which is fortunate because Icelandic is linguistically unlike most others. Now, any excuse to have a planning meeting there is welcome, although of course, no traveling there for us for the moment. Fortunately, our remote working methods and the strong work ethic of our partners, ensures that meetings are not essential, just nice to have. Once the world rids itself of the effects of this current plague, we will be back there as soon as possible.

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